Black Lives Matter
Flatbread Company has always tried to stay out of the fray of politics, to be a place where all can come to renew their spirit. Over this past week, like you we’ve watched in shock, in horror while yet another innocent life, George Floyd’s, was tragically cut short…a son, brother, father and boyfriend stolen from the ones who love him. A fellow citizen treated as if life didn’t matter.
We’ve searched our souls, heard from our team members and questioned our core value and principals. Due to this reflection we feel that in this moment the only wrong thing to do is to stand on the sidelines in silence. We can’t remain silent. This is not about politics, it is about defending and standing up for humanity worldwide and the inalienable rights granted to us by the Constitution of the United States of America. It is our moral imperative, our responsibility, to use our collective voice to stand with those who have drawn a line in the sand stating enough is enough. If not now, when?
Now is the time to stand and be counted. Now is the time to simply and loudly state…We stand with the Black community. We stand with our team members, guests and friends who are treated differently due to the color of their skin. We stand against hate, racism, violence, white supremacy and systemic injustice. We stand with the people exercising their First Amendment rights protesting those injustices while denouncing those who are trying to turn peaceful demonstrations into an opportunity to further divide our country. We stand for equality, liberty and justice for all. Stand with us; together in unity with peace and love in our hearts for each other.
Keep Each Other Well,
Jason M. Lyon President & COO