Dear Flatbread,
Sometime in June, 2016. My partner attempts to convince me to move to Somerville after I graduate college. He takes me to Flatbread and says “look, Boston *does* have good food!”. (It was very convincing. I agreed.)
January – July, 2017. Flatbread becomes our primary restaurant of choice. We go there every weekend. We meet people there who will become our very good friends.
August 2017 – August 2018. We move south of Boston to save on rent. Turns out we love Flatbread so much that we literally drive 45 minutes once a week to visit the Somerville location. Worth it every time.
October 12, 2018. I’ve started graduate school. My beautiful partner proposes to me. Where do we go to celebrate? FLATBREAD. Somerville. Of course.
November, 2018. My final reviews. I need a title for my project. Stressed, I look at your menu, and at our favorite pizza. Hmm, Punctuated Equilibrium….I do a bit of googling and find that not only does the term in biology perfectly suit my project, but THE COLORS I used in my final prints even LOOK LIKE THE PIZZA. I start screaming with joy and later reference Flatbread in my project credits.
Present day. I’m so busy that I literally don’t have time to sleep or vacuum. Spring break arrives. Where do we go…admittedly three times in a row…? FLATBREAD.
This is all to say that I/we love your pizza so very, very much. And if I was involved in running a restaurant as delicious as Flatbread, I would want to know when customers fall in love with (and next to) my food. So – thank you. You have literally been the culinary highlight of my last few years.
With gratitude,
Alana & Alex